You are here:Home1/News2/MCIP PhD Student, Monty Blencowe and his faculty mentor, Dr. Xia Yang published...
MCIP PhD Student, Monty Blencowe and his faculty mentor, Dr. Xia Yang published a preview paper in Cell Reports Medicine! Congratulations! Their preview is “Found in translation — core network preservation across liver diseases and species” on the recent Esmaili et al. study from Cell Systems. RAYOS RAYOS2021-07-20 14:02:152021-07-20 14:02:24MCIP PhD Student, Monty Blencowe and his faculty mentor, Dr. Xia Yang published a preview paper in Cell Reports Medicine! Congratulations! Their preview is “Found in translation — core network preservation across liver diseases and species” on the recent Esmaili et al. study from Cell Systems.